Your First TMJ Visit
The TMJ exam is an extensive one and will require that we have as much time as is needed to thoroughly examine your issues, take necessary diagnostic records to understand your condition so that Dr. Holman can accurately diagnose the severity of your problem and arrive at an accurate diagnosis and identification of all treatment options.
Our goals are to provide each patient with the highest quality TMJ and orthodontic care in a gentle, efficient, and pleasant manner.
In order to get started with your initial comprehensive TMJ exam we ask that you fill out our online forms. The form allows us to obtain a good history of your problems and general health and allows us to determine what benefits you may have under your medical and dental insurance for TMD problems. This form is quite comprehensive and can take up to 30-40 minutes to complete. Please answer all the questions and sections. You should plan to fill out the form in one sitting. If you stop in the middle and come back later to finish it, you will time out and have to start all over.
Should you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact our office at 650-257-3955 at your earliest convenience.